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A  song for Palestine and all those oppressed.

Wake Up

Every morning on the news,
All I see are the lies.
How can this be the truth?
How is this our state of mind?
Is this our reality?
Where did we go wrong? Where did we go wrong?

Children are screaming,
My heart is bleeding.
And the world is on the sidelines.
Women are crying,
Men are dying.
And the world is completely blind.
How can it be? Or have we lost our voices?
What will it take for us to wake up?

How can it be alright, to kill and to massacre?
How can it be a crime, to defend your land, to defend your life?
How can it be wrong, to speak out, against those who lie?
How can the world be so blind?
Or is it because it’s my kind?

Children are screaming,
My heart is bleeding.
And the world is on the sidelines.
Women are crying,
Men are dying.
And the world is completely blind.
How can it be? Or have we lost our voices?
What will it take for us to wake up?

What would the Prophet say, if he saw us today?
What would he do? If he saw how we let our lives go astray?
What will we say, on the day, when we’re asked how we let it be?
Will we be able to say, I woke up.

Children are screaming,
My heart is bleeding.
And the world is on the sidelines.
Women are crying,
Men are dying.
And the world is completely blind.
How can it be? Or have we lost our voices?
What will it take for us to wake up?

Please just wake up.